Let's Start The Party! The Sweet Sixteen Birthday Bash!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I'm finally making paramdam..
After my so old entry,I'm actually ,giving my excuse.
..and She prepared for the Party!
Welcome to My Birthday Bash!
By some intolerable twist of fate, You've landed to my blog, http://jennysassy78[dot]blogspot[dot]com, the vitual
playground of a 7 yearold girl trapped in a 16 year old body.You must be here for my party! Feel free to play along
with me, but mind you that I don't like playmates who picks fight so be good and we'll be friends because If you don't I'm
going to tell Mommy that you pulled my hair! If you don't like me, please click the exit button and leave because I have
more Barbies than you! :P
The Birthday Girl
I am worth $1,598,764 on
HumanForSale.com Jenny. Turning Sweet 16. July 26.hazel brown eyes. Burma brown hair. 5'3. Single but
not looking. Licensed Red Cross First Aider. gutsy. Sassy.
Immaculatian. Drama Queen. Dreamer. soulful. God's Child. Writer.Pinkaholick. cowgurl.vain. ♥camwhore. COLORFUL.
♥ F.r.E.n.D.z. Registered Girl Scout.weird. naughty. loves to eat. Believes of Happy Endings.narcissistic.Super Girl. Modern Geisha. opinionated yet open minded. self-confessed worrywart.
optimistic. Strong yet fragile.
If you want to be invited to my party, Leave a tag,thank you! :)
Wish List
+More Barbies.
+More Playmates.
+Longer Hair.
+To become a better princess.
+More Gifts.